Two days ago, BN was rocked by a survey carried out by UMCEDEL (Universiti Malaya's Democratic and Election Centre). The one figure that stood out was the fact that 43% of those surveyed back DSAI as Prime Minister while 39% back Najib. Other statistics show the slight higher support for DSAI rather than for Najib (of course Najib scored higher for likeability and better administrative ability - which is kinda shoo-in as he is the Prime Minister at the moment and his face is everywhere on 1Malaysia Posters, Adverts and TV day and night).
(source: Malaysiakini)
Immediately, 'experts' from other universities and centres came out swinging and smacking the survey results. Najib himself came out today and discredit the survey saying that internal BN survey says that BN will win hands down with 2/3 majority.
I wonder why Najib and his konco-konco came out so fast to refute this survey. As we all know, popular votes will not determine the winner of this coming GE 13 (thanks to the extensive gerrymandering done over the past 55 years). Unless, something is really happening all over the country. The amount of people turning up for Pakatan ceramahs all over the country (as what happen in Penang before 308) must have sent chills down the spines of all the BN strategists. Sheer number of people, albeit mainly Chinese but with a sizable Malay and Indian turnout could spell disaster for BN in many areas. The right combination of the voters in the crucial constituencies could see BN buried in GE 13. But those circumstances must all fall in place at the right time. Talking about stacked odds against you, its like you have to play a football match with 9 man and with the referee against you with your goal post bigger than your opponent.
At one DAP ceramah in Kuching (28/04/2013)
Crowd waiting for DSAI in Keramat (28/04/2013)
The fear of the Rakyat rising TOGETHER is starting to make BN hit the panic buttons. From the paid Adverts in The Star smacking DAP of being a PAS tool for Hudud Law, to the Utusan and TV3 having a field day putting up a picture that says that DAP is using PAS to create a Christian State, to abolish the special rights, etc signals the start of the use of race and religion in a desperate attempt to stem the tide. How successful they have we will only know on Election Day.
For this UMCEDEL survey, the results only point to one thing: Either BN is out this GE or will be cleared out by next GE. If Pakatan does it right and reduce the blunders, missteps and rogue elements within their ranks, I believe they will give BN a fight for the control of this country. The longer BN is on the defensive, the worst it becomes. As it is, BN is only fighting to do damage control in many areas under threat from Pakatan. Such a battle of attrition only serves to benefit Pakatan more as Pakatan's relentless assault into various seats have made it a cause to be concerned.
So with the UMCEDEL survey, what say you?
I am disappointed that Merdeka Centre has not publish any survey results like what they did in the run up to the 308 polls. Any possible reasons why? I wonder.
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